Likes, Loyalty, Sales: Aqueouss Batteries' Social Media Success Story

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Aqueouss Batteries lacked an effective social media presence, limiting their ability to reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers. They required a comprehensive social media strategy to enhance their online visibility and market reach.


Aqueouss Batteries, a renowned manufacturer of high-quality Li-Ion and LiFePO4 batteries, faced a challenge with limited market presence and brand recognition.

To address this issue and maximise their online and market presence, Aqueouss Batteries sought the assistance of Droot, a creative agency specialising in digital marketing and branding solutions.


Aqueouss Batteries lacked an effective social media presence, limiting their ability to reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers. They required a comprehensive social media strategy to enhance their online visibility and market reach.


We collaborated closely with Aqueouss Batteries to develop a tailored solution that addressed their online presence challenges. We crafted a comprehensive social media strategy for Aqueouss Batteries to maximise its online presence and expand its reach through:

Audience Analysis

Droot conducted extensive research on Aqueouss Batteries' target audience, competitors, and industry trends to gain a deep understanding of the company's brand values.

Platform Selection

Identifying the most relevant social media platforms for Aqueouss Batteries to target their audience effectively.

Content Creation

Creating engaging and informative content that showcased the company's expertise, highlighted its product features, and emphasised its commitment to sustainability.


Implementing a consistent posting schedule and leveraging relevant hashtags and keywords to increase discoverability.


Enhanced Brand Recognition

Aqueouss Batteries now enjoys enhanced brand recognition, standing out as a trusted and distinguished player in the battery industry.

Increased Customer Loyalty

The carefully crafted social media campaign played a pivotal role in building customer loyalty and trust.

Stronger Market Position

Aqueouss Batteries has secured a stronger foothold in the market, capitalising on their achievements.

The comprehensive social media strategy have provided Aqueouss Batteries with a solid foundation to continue growing as a trusted and distinguished player in the battery industry.